Class Options
- Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Teacher/Student ratio of 1:8
- Monday through Friday: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Teacher/Student ratio of 1:7
What we do in the Four-Year Old program
The four-year-old program focuses on hands-on learning through purposeful play in centers such as dramatic play, blocks, the art table and easel, puzzles, manipulatives, library area, and tactile experiences. Readiness skills and concepts in all subject areas are also worked on during teacher-directed group time. Our school for young children curriculum follows a letter of the week approach and lessons and activities are planned around the letter being introduced. Four-year olds learn skills in the following areas:
Language Skills:
- Reinforcing letter sounds
- Introducing and practicing concepts through storytime
- Recognizing letters and sound/symbol relationships
- Building vocabulary
- Rhyming and comprehension strategies
- Recognizing authors and illustrators
Math Skills:
- Comparing, classifying, and sorting
- Recognizing more and less
- Performing simple graphing
- Recognizing numerals and number sequences
- Recognizing shapes and patterns
- Performing simple addition and subtraction with manipulatives
Art Skills:
- Singing, finger plays, and rhymes
- Playing simple instruments
- Engaging in music movement activities with bean bags, scarves, and ribbons
- Expressing artistic creativity through a variety of mediums
Social and Emotional Skills:
- Following routines and directions
- Getting along with others
- Making compromises
- Sharing and taking turns
- Encouraging independence with self-help skills such as using the bathroom, washing hands, setting up and cleaning up for snack, putting on coats and jackets without help and zipping, buttoning, and snapping.
Large and Fine Motor Skills:
- Running, jumping, and climbing on playground equipment
- Riding pedal and push toys
- Holding and using crayons and pencils comfortably
- Cutting on an outline
- Drawing simple shapes and recognizable figures
Themes explored in the four-year-old class may include, but are not limited to: seasons, weather, holidays, family, friends, fire safety, dinosaurs, transportation, ocean animals, space, reptiles, insects, and seeds/plants. Field trips have included the C. Burr Artz Library for story time, Fountain Rock Nature Center, and the local fire station, as well as a visit from the traveling planetarium.
Click here to register your child. We look forward to welcoming your family to Wee Folk School!