Pre-K Class Options
- Tuesday/Thursday: 8:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.
- Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday: 8:45 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.
Teacher/Student ratio of 1:6
What we do in the Three-Year Old program
Our three-year-old program is a fun-filled morning where teachers focus on a wide variety of skills, including:
Social and Emotional Skills:
- Getting along with others
- Cooperating and sharing
- Working in a group and individually
- Completing a task
Language Skills:
- Engaging in conversation
- Using language during play
- Expressing needs
- Following two step directions
- Recognizing colors
- Listening to stories
Math Skills:
- Recognizing and naming numbers
- Demonstrating and understanding 1 to 1 correspondence
- Sorting, rote counting, and recognizing shapes
Art Skills:
- Expressing themselves using various art mediums
- Participating in musical activities
- Playing classroom instruments
Large and Fine Motor Skills:
- Catching and throwing a ball
- Jumping, hopping, running, climbing, and riding a pedaled toy
- Holding and using markers or crayons
- Manipulating play dough
- Cutting with scissors
- Assembling puzzles and painting

Some themes that are explored in the three-year-old class may include, but are not limited to:
the farm, pets, all about me, community helpers, transportation, weather, seasons, holidays, friends and family, dental health, dinosaurs, and insects.
Click here to register your pre-k child. We look forward to welcoming your family to Wee Folk School!